If I were a news-fanatic, I would LOVE these sites! All the most popular articles delivered right to your account! You could spend lots of time finding out lots of info about everything imaginable. You could sit in your chair ALL day just reading about topics that people think are important. This could range from the topics I found on Digg... Is Your Gas Pump Ripping You Off? to The Top 10 Essential Places To Have Sex . Now, I did find a good article about Useful Tools for Teachers... but now, I can't find it again, because the website is continuously changing. Hmm... I wonder if "they" keep track of the sites you've been to.... for example, if I clicked on The Top 10 Essential Places to Have Sex, and then contiued to read and recommend similar articles, would someone know? I get a little paranoid sometimes that Big Brother is watching. We are always asked for an ID and password, but really, how secure is that?
How much news do we really need to know? Does it matter to our lives? Do I care that someone caught a fish bigger than the "Barbie rod and reel" that they were using to reel it in? Is it worth my time to read all about it?
So in response to the blog prompt: "Do these tools seem to be a productivity enhancer or a productivity detractor?" I found the answer right on the Reddit intro page:
user-submitted links, it's more fun than being productive
What? Yep... more FUN than PRODUCTIVE.
New holiday songs to enjoy
Are you starting to get sick of the same old holiday songs? Well, good
news! This year you have two brand-new options to enjoy! This article from
NPR share...
8 years ago