Life is Good!

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Boys Read Jon Szcieska

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thing 21 - Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

Today I am going to keep my comments specific to a blog prompt:

2.Are any of these social networks appealing to you?

I visited the Teacher Librarian Ning, and found that it would be a very useful tool for people in the media profession. I might even sign up for this one, or one that's similar. For work purposes.

I have no interest in keeping up my profile on Facebook. I'm old fashioned, I guess. I like to meet and talk with people live, and in person. The more I investigate all the social networking sites, the more I think that although people can be "more connected", we are decreasing our time available to interact in real life. I worry about this. Really, I do. Are the people you "meet online" your friends? Will they be there when you are in trouble and need help? Will they come to your funeral? I guess I believe that THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in life is the relationships we have with others. Whether the relationship is a simple as holding the door open for someone, smiling at a person who walks past, caring about a student, or loving family and friends... all of these things happen face-to-face, and I don't want to lose that. OK, I'm done venting.

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